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Early Vocabulary combines oral-motor exercises, fine motor development and engaging language games to promote, English conversation skills, comprehension, listening and responding and classroom etiquette.

Group and Private sessions available

Early Vocabulary 是结合口腔肌肉锻炼、精细运动发展和有趣的语言游戏,旨在促进英语会话技能、理解能力、听力与回应以及课堂礼仪。


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Creative Young combines the study of interesting topics with vocabulary games, creative challenges, story-telling and presentation skills. Students learn how to clearly represent their ideas with words and images, build character through challenging tasks, discussion and study all kinds of topics that build logical connection to the world around them.

Group and Private sessions available

Creative Young 课程将有趣的主题研究与词汇游戏、创意挑战、讲故事和演讲技巧相结合。学生通过运用文字和图像清晰地表达自己的想法,通过挑战性任务、讨论和研究各种主题来培养个性,并建立与周围世界的逻辑联系


Presentable Young encourages young presenters to represent their ideas through sequencing, pictures and key-information. Students study topics and stories, identify the conclusion, sequence events and pick out the relevant details to tell the audience. They learn about body language, character voices, intonation, vocal projection and more!

Group sessions available

Presentable Young 课程鼓励年轻演讲者通过顺序、图片和关键信息来表达他们的想法。学生研究各种主题和故事,确定结论,排序事件,并挑选相关细节向听众讲述。他们学习肢体语言、角色语音、语调、声音投射等等


Presentable Youth pushes students academic ability by connecting words with images, data and performance. Students learn to pick key-information, summarize, hyopthesis and present informantion in an engaging way. Students practice vocal inflection, persuasive speech, body gestures and more, along with character-building topics and science-based studies.

Group sessions available

Presentable Youth  通过将文字与图片、数据和表演相结合,共同推动学生的学术能力。学生学会挑选关键信息、总结、假设,并以吸引人的方式去展示和表达。学生还将练习语调变化、说服性演讲、身体语言等,同时也会涉及性格培养和基于科学的研究。


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